Hey! It's me, Arthur. If you don't feel like reading, I made this 10-minute video where I walk through the case study. But pay attention to all the message balloons throughout the case study they explain a lot of use cases and key points of the app. Thanks for the attention!

Empowering Communities:
A New Approach to Recipe Sharing to Combat Misinformation and Enhance Food Quality.

Recipe Share is a community-based app concept for recipe search, collaboration, and education. Quality food and information should be accessible to everyone. Recipe Share is designed to create a community where users can easily create and share recipes and tutorials, remix them to create even more amazing dishes, and receive validation from both the community and specialists.
The main idea is to bring the convenience of social media’s interaction and mass content creation to the app, while also incorporating specialist validation and improving accessibility for users who cannot rely on video only content.

Recipe Share Community

I love creating my own recipes and sharing them. Having professional chefs interact with them and give feedback is amazing
It's amazing to see the creativity of users when they use the remix feature. Sharing my love for food and seeing the different approaches is amazing to me.
Lucas Jonas
Professional Chef
I like quick and easy recipes without onions. If you don't like onions like me, just check the remixes on my profile. I always use the remix feature to adapt every recipe to my taste.

This is a concept app designed to generate ideas for enhancing food content quality and quantity. This prototype uses Unsplash images and fake recipes to illustrate the location of the data. Please do not attempt to cook the recipes, as this case is 100% focused on solving the food industry social media problem, not on the actual food content.

Social media has become the new search engine for many people.

Recipe and special diet searches are popular on social media. The empowerment that social media provides by allowing anyone to post a recipe is amazing, but sometimes the lack of information and qualification can be a barrier to successful cooking. It can even become damaging for someone who blindly follows trendy diets shared by influencers.
Social media provides many opportunities for users to grow with its simple approach to content creation and reachability. However, the search for views and likes can lead to some dangerous content.
With good guidelines, support, and collaboration, we can maintain mass content creation while increasing its quality.
TikTok is in a difficult stage with a possible ban. It's an opportunity to turn a problem into a chance to build an alternative product to improve and grow the food content industry.

Boosting the quality and quantity of information in the food content creation space.

There is plenty of space for everyone to create content about food, but we need validation from professionals when trends and views are involved. Creators tend to capitalize on seasonal trends to gain more views, and when the topic is diet, this can cause harm to a large audience that blindly follows them.
The idea behind our badge and certification system is to facilitate fact-checking and provide background information for users who are creating or interacting with recipes. Users can earn badges such as Influencer, Professional Chef, and Health Professionals. These badges help users identify credible sources and build trust within the community.
Users can apply for these badges, and Recipe Share will verify their background and experience. Once verified, the badge will be displayed prominently on their profile, enhancing their credibility and visibility. This system empowers users to share their expertise and supports the community by highlighting knowledgeable contributors.
Recipe share dont support tends or this kind of interaction, but with the learnings from this, Recipe Share has its own certification system.
Users with validated experience from the Recipe Share team can receive these badges.
They will be highlighted on the profile so that users can easily see the background of the recipe creator or the "remixer."

Empowering the community through the community:

The days of the good old cookbook are gone, but the practice of sharing recipes with a personal recipe notepad will never fade. In order to keep the community engaged and enable more sharing, Recipe Share makes it easy to 'remix' your recipes.
The remix feature functions like a crosspost, allowing users to add their personal touch by editing existing recipes. Users can modify recipes by adding or removing methods or ingredients according to their taste. This feature makes it much easier than creating a recipe from scratch and helps the original creator gain more engagement. Additionally, it enables the remixer to quickly create a new recipe that can be shared with the community.

Remixes Use Cases

Faster than creating from scratch is to use a remix to add your own personal touch. By removing, changing, or adding ingredients and methods, you can create your own recipe.
An easy way to share with my friends and community is by simply swapping some photos and creating this cross-post with great content.
I can easily check what all my friends are cooking on the following screen, which is simple and time-saving for when I don't know what to cook.
Lucas Jonas
Professional Chef

Following Recent Activities

At the recent activities, you can stay updated about the recipes your favorite profiles are interacting with, such as cooking, remixing, or liking.

Problems on the road, lack of uniqueness and personality to the app.

I knew to get the result i would need to mix the interactiveness of social media and the simplicity of a cookbook, good content, easy to share and meaningful ads.
So, I wanted to give a lot of personality focusing on a minimalist and straightforward UI with great iconography. On a simple screen, users can access almost all areas of the app, leaving just the recipe remix inaccessible because it must be accessed on the recipe screen.

Making sponsor content be fun and interactive. No more food blogs spamming no sense ads.

We always had big restaurants and influencer chefs sharing a little bit of their recipes secrets, but with the remix feature we can add our on collaboration to the business, persona or even equipment.
Letting user use the remix features on their favorite restaurant, equipment or influencer to give their on touch and engage.


Brands and chefs collaborating to create ads that are more engaging for potential clients is a great idea.
Sharing recipes to promote a restaurant or a tool, and allowing the community to try and remix them, can be an excellent way to make a interaction between product/service and user.

Key takeaways from the project and ideas for future potential scaling later on.

Ideas For Updates

The food content industry is gigantic and has a lot of room for creation and improvement. It's a field that directly impacts people's lives.
The possibilities are endless, and Recipe Share, being designed to grow with a real community, can take many different paths.

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